Blessing Ceremony for Educators Held at the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin

Blessing Ceremony for Educators Held at the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin 31.08.2024

On August 31, ahead of the 2024-2025 academic year, the Blessing of the Teachers service was offered under the presidency of His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians; at the St. Gayane Monastery.  

The blessing service was attended by representatives of educational institutions; rectors of higher educational institutions; heads of regional education departments; principals of regional secondary schools and pedagogues.

At the conclusion of the Blessing service, the Catholicos of All Armenians conveyed his patriarchal blessing and appreciation to those of the field of education, noting that the presence of education workers in the spiritual center of the Armenian people, where the teaching and education of the Armenian language began, is of particular importance and significance.

"Science and human capabilities are developing rapidly these days, and learning and education are more important today than ever before. At all times, however, the main thing is to educate the human spirit and character, to establish it in truth and goodness. Indeed, knowledge is the power to create, but it becomes good when it is established on spiritual values and moral foundations," stated His Holiness, emphasizing the mission of education workers not only to transfer knowledge and experience in line with the times to the children of the nation, but also to train their minds to think about what is fair and true and to do good, to teach them to recognize and love the Motherland, our Holy Church, to educate conscious, responsible individuals and law-abiding citizens.

In his remarks, His Holiness Karekin II emphasized that in today's whirlwind of globalization and manipulation of the value system, real values are being ignored and pushed back, putting nations and societies in front of contradictions and ontological problems: "Such challenges in our national life can be overcome by educating individuals with enduring values and a strong identity, a spirit of patriotism and devotion to the nation, who strive for new knowledge and understanding and at the same time are well aware of their history and the heritage of their fathers."

Referring to the mission of the Armenian Church in the education and upbringing of the younger generation, the Armenian Patriarch stated that since the establishment of independent statehood, the Church has supported the educational activities of the native state and contributed to the education of the generation with a national profile, Armenian education and rich knowledge.

"The subject "History of the Armenian Church" was also aimed at this important goal, which will no longer be taught. We regret to record that today every effort is being made to expel the Armenian Church, the founder of the Armenian school, from the same school, an attempt is being made to devalue the unique mission of the National Church in the life of the Armenian people in saving souls, as well as preserving national values and identity, which has been changed in the new general education textbooks and presenting his story imploringly.

History should be reviewed in order to recognize and correct mistakes, and we can build a secure present and, especially, future of our country and native statehood by remaining close and faithful to our faith in God and our contributions and our national profile mixed with them. This is the main lesson taught by our history, which we should never forget," stated the Armenian Patriarch, commanding the teachers to devote themselves with love, passion and faith to making our national dream of building a vibrant and just society and a sovereign and powerful state a reality.

At the conclusion, His Holiness, highly appreciating the commendable service of the devotees of the educational mission, asked the heavenly Lord for inexhaustible energy, strength and courage, useful plans and bold implementations for the purpose of education of the worthy generations of the nation and new achievements in the field of science.

A reception was held in honor of the invitees following the blessing ceremony.