New Appointments by the Decree of the Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians

His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians has issued a decree announcing new appointments within the clergy.
Reverend Father Virap Sargsyan has been appointed to serve at the Christian Education Center of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin,
Reverend Father Mashtots Mkhitaryan has been appointed to the headquarters as the executive secretary of the Catholicosate Office,
Honorable Father Narek Sargsyan has been appointed to the Diocese of Aragatsotn,
Honorable Father Tadeos Gevorgyan has been appointed to the Diocese of Krasnodar and Northern Caucasus,
Honorable Father Aram Baghymyan has been appointed to the Diocese of Tavush,
Honorable Father Yeremia Vardanyan has been appointed to the Diocese of Russia and New Nakhichevan,
Honorable Father Gabriel Vardanyan, having been relieved of his duties at the Gevorgian Theological Seminary, has been appointed to serve in the Armenian Diocese of Canada.